Posted by Mr.K on 10th May and posted in Ivy League Colleges, Liberal Arts Colleges, Singapore Universities, US Colleges

Please join Leah Kelley, Associate Director of Admissions at Yale, and Angela Seah, Senior Admissions Counselor at Yale-NUS, to learn more about Yale University and Asia’s first residential liberal arts institution, Yale-NUS College.
Academic programs, student life, international opportunities, admissions policies, and tuition and financial aid at each school will be discussed.
Date & Time: Friday – May 25, 2012 – 6:30pm
International School of Penang (Uplands)
Jalan Sungai Satu, Batu Feringgi
Penang, Malaysia 11100
This is a public event which is open to non-Uplands families therefore please register beforehand at:
Download a handout here
Posted by Mr.K on 20th April and posted in Australian Universities, Visits and fairs
The University of Melbourne is pleased to invite prospective international students and parents to participate in an exciting online event to learn more about the University and its courses.
The Virtual Fair will give prospective international students and parents from across the globe an opportunity to learn about the University and ask questions of staff and students in a unique online environment.
All you need is a computer with an internet connection. Once registered, log on to the Fair on April 23 or 24 and find out more about the Melbourne Experience.
Prospective international students and their parents can register now at:
See more details at:
Posted by Mr.K on 23rd March and posted in US Colleges, Visits and fairs
We would like to draw your attention to the upcoming US Colleges Fairs in KL and Penang. The KL fair will be held at Crowne Plaza on Saturday March 31st from 1.00-4.30pm with 71 institutions represented. The Penang affair will be a decidely smaller affair with around 15 universities but still worthwhile – being held at the E&O on Tuesday April 3rd 6.00-9.30pm.
Download a US Fairs Flyer here and a list of universities attending Penang Fair here

Colleges attending KL Colleges Fair
Posted by Mr.K on 22nd March and posted in European Universities, UK Universities
New members of the Russell Group
Durham, Exeter, Queen Mary and York Universities have joined the Russell Group which represents leading UK universities committed to maintaining the very best research, an outstanding teaching and learning experience and unrivalled links with business and the public sector. There are now 24 members of the Russell Group.
For more information on the Russell Group go to:
To download a copy of the Russell Group’s guide to making decisions about post 16 education, go to:
Annual tuition fees for European universities
Study in Europe has collated information about tuition fees across public European universities. Annual tuition fees at public universities (where teaching may be wholly in the host country language) for EU-resident students may be:
- Zero: Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Norway, Slovenia, Sweden (Note: registration fees usually have to be paid in these countries)
- €169+: France
- €1,200+: Netherlands, Portugal, Switzerland
- £9,000: UK universities
For more information go to: is an independent careers library featuring interviews with young employees, apprentices and entrepreneurs who have been filmed in the workplace so that students can see what their working lives are really like. The five minute clips are for independent careers exploration.
For more information go to:
Posted by Mr.K on 16th March and posted in Australian Universities
Studies in Australia is proud to announce the release of the Studies in Australia magazine for iPad, available on the App Store. As a past purchaser of the Studies in Australia Guide you’ll understand the usefulness of this resource, likewise you’ll appreciate the Studies in Australia e-book with up-to-date information and interactive features at your fingertips.
The Studies in Australia eBook contains information on all levels of study, including:
• Higher Education (bachelor, masters, graduate certificate/diploma, doctorate, MBA)
• Technical and Vocational Education
• English Language Studies
• Senior Secondary Education
• Foundation and Preparatory Courses
The eBook also includes essential information on key topics such as distance education, scholarships and grants, accommodation, visas and support services.
‘Studies in Australia’ is FREE and you can begin today.