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Year 13 deadlines approaching!

Posted by Mr.K on 12th October and posted in Uncategorized

1) For those intending to lodge standard applications to US/UK/Canada via the school – you have just under three weeks to get them finished  (November 1)

2) For those needing references from teachers for the above you have less than one week to request them (using the standard request form)

If unable to meet the above deadlines for a particular (and valid) reason you MUST SEE ME to confirm this by next week.

If unwilling to meet the above deadlines I am happy to refer you to education agents who will help you through the process.

If applying to somewhere outside of the above that has a later application deadline please consult with me to set out an application timeline.

3) IB students MUST advise Ms. Atkins about where their IB results must be sent. A-Level students can see me. DO NOT NEGLECT TO DO THIS. Last year students and the school were inconvenienced because they had forgotten to do this. One students was taken out of his university classes and refused entry until they received confirmation of his results. So don’t forget!!!!

Till next time…

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